The life during last two months has been surreal to say the least. One one hand, it is tough not to get emotionally overwhelmed with human toll of COVID-19 and on the hand I am hoping that earth might be a slightly better place to live due to this common shared experience. Virus doesn’t care about skin color, our race, wealth, zip code.
Anyways, Just like everyone else I am at home with kids all day. They start their school on zoom and I start my day with some meditation and some exercise. Even though my left foot hurts a bit, I have made an effort to go out running once a week to enjoy spring bloom and the beauty of Marin county, my home. I feel blessed to live in an area that is beautiful and calming to my soul. I step out of the house to walking path along the water and every time it takes my breath away. I am sure many feel the same about their home, wherever it is. We all find the best in our home, let’s make an effort to find the best in others too.